I'm blogging along with Readerbuzz's Sunday Salon, and Caffeinated Reviewer's Sunday Post. We share what we've been up to, what we're reading, and anything else we decide may be worth sharing. And then we check in on a bunch of others. I've been known to reference in conversation 'a book blogger,' and it's usually one of the people in these linkies. C'mon in! The water's fine (just kidding, do NOT get in the actual water yet. Brr...).
What I'm reading this week:
I'm in a bit of a book transition right now. I just finished Homegrown Magic on my kindle (5 stars, review to follow on this page in the next few days), and Goddess Game in the print version (easily recommended 4 star read, review to be posted on BooksIThinkYouShouldRead, where most of my reviews are published).
Last night I started reading Glory Daze as a pdf. It's the second in a southern mystery series, and the first was a really fun read. So far the second is shaping up the same. I haven't gotten as many print books for review lately, so I'm finally starting The Girl Who Drank the Moon this afternoon or tomorrow on my lunch (my usual print book reading time).
Three Good Things:
- My son was offered some scholarship funds to attend Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for band! I'm so grateful that our public school district prioritizes the arts, and a Blue Lake representative comes to the middle school to listen to auditions. My son is still deciding whether he wants to attend. He's a pretty chill guy and likes his down time. He's already attending a different band camp with some friends, as well as a couple other summer commitments. I'll be sure to post if he goes or not. If you attended Blue Lake or something similar, what would your advice to my son be?
- ToDaY is my daughter's high school art show. We attended last year because she had a couple pieces displayed from her jewelry and drawing classes. This year she is in AP art, so her portfolio is being shown! She did a 2D - drawing portfolio, with a theme of retaining childhood playfulness/innocence (she describes it way better, but I love all the drawings and I'm excited to see them shared). I think my niece has some ceramics in the show, and a couple of my son's friends are showing art as well. And I've come to know a few high schoolers in the last few years ;) They also do a silent auction for art club projects, to make it a self-funding club. So maybe I'll pick up some new art for the house.
- I found out our work 'points' can be spent on LEGOs! We sometimes can get awards that come with points (because who really wants a raise, when you can get points!!?!) and you get some for some anniversaries. Anyway, I spent mine on a Gru and Minions set, and an inspiration building deck (ideas of how they make things).
- Clean out the cupboards. See, sometimes I put new things! The top shelves of our cupboards are filled with (especially) cups and things that were gifts, prizes, whatever, that we literally never use. While my husband is still in town for a couple days, I want to clear off a couple shelves and have my family 'claim' what they want to keep, and I'll donate the rest.
- Pack my lunch. Last week I packed a sandwich and chips for a day or two. I'd like to pack my lunch more consistently. The best plan, of course, is to pack it the night before so I don't run out of time, but just grab it and go. This gives me something to eat without worrying about spending money on food, and it gives me more time to read.
- Hoping to work some overtime this coming week. Last week I got almost 6 hours of OT in. This week I should be able to squeeze out... 8, or 14 if I can convince some other team members to join me on Saturday. Then I'll get paid on the last day of spring break with my son, which will be nice :)